Defibrillator – Collingridge
This is located at the front of 1 Collingridge Point, in the black shed.
Please take the time to pin- point exactly where this is, and that your family members also know.
Defibrillator – Ferry
There is also one installed in the cabin of the Berowra Waters Ferry, which can be accessed 24 hours a day.
In the event of an emergency, immediately dial 000 for an ambulance and then call the ferry 0499 600 175 and let the driver know which side you will need to access the defibrillator (either on the Eastern, Berowra Side or the Western, Berrilee side).
Save this Ferry number on your mobile NOW!
The equipment is in a mobile carry bag in the defibrillator cabinet within the driver’s cabin and can be quickly accessed and taken to the patient. Anyone can safely administer resuscitation and there are verbal prompts given throughout the process.
The defibrillator was installed by the Progress Association and funded by a local resident.
Police and Bushfire Emergency call 000
If you have a speech or hearing impairment call 106
Police Assist Line (PAL) 131 444
Hornsby Police Station 9476 9799
Brooklyn Water Police 9985 7444
Electricity Emergency call 131 388
For information on fires
Check our Fires Near Me page for current incidents
Listen to local radio – especially 702 ABC
Check social media such as NSW RFS Facebook and NSW RFS Twitter
Bush Fire Information Line – 1800 679 737
What to do during a fire
Remember to follow your Bush Fire Survival Plan. If you do not have a Bush Fire Survival Plan, ensure you know what you will do before, during and after the fire. Remember – leaving early is your safest option.
Before the fire
Put on your protective clothing
Turn on the radio to keep yourself informed.
Bring pets inside and keep them in one room
Close all windows and doors
Block spaces beneath doors and windows with wet towels
Fill buckets, sinks and bath tubs with water to put out spot fires
Have your firefighting equipment such as pumps and hoses connected to your water supply
Block downpipes and fill gutters with water
Remove items which can burn from around your home such as outdoor furniture
Bring ladders inside to check roof space for embers
Patrol the outside of your home, put out any embers or spot fires
Just before the fire arrives
Wet down timber decks and gardens close to the house
Move firefighting equipment to a place where it will not get burnt
During the fire
Go inside but stay alert
Shelter in a room on the opposite side of the house from the approaching fire and one that has a clear exit out of the house
Patrol inside the house, including the roof space looking for sparks and embers
Protect yourself from the heat of the fire
If your life is at risk, call triple zero (000)
Once the fire has passed
Check your roof spaces
Go outside and put out any part of your house which is alight
Check under the house and any decks
Check on your pets and animals
Embers or sparks can start spot fires for many hours after the fire has passed
If you can, contact your family and friends and check on your neighbours.
Today (before the fire comes)
Prepare your Bush Fire Survival Plan
Assistance from neighbours in an emergency
If you need assistance getting out to medical attention or dealing with any other emergency, it is almost guaranteed that any fellow resident is willing and able to assist. Any long-term resident will have a long list of friends and neighbours to call on, but for visitors and new residents finding local assistance in an emergency can be difficult if the direct neighbours are not home. Should you need such emergency assistance, you should of course contact relevant emergency authorities for professional medical or other advice.